You will receive an email notification from CardUp if your payment is not successfully charged to your card i.e. declined.
On your CardUp Dashboard, the status of your unsuccessfully charged payment will show as ‘Failed’ until you select to resubmit the payment. Please note that if you do not resubmit your failed payment by the Payment Due Date, your payment will be cancelled and you will be notified via email.
Your payment may have failed due to the following reasons:
You have insufficient available funds on your card
You have entered incorrect details back when you registered the card to your account, such as the card expiry date, registered billing address, etc.
Your card is suspended due to payment-related issues
If you have encountered a payment failure, please call your card-issuing bank for clarification on how to resolve the card decline.
After your card decline has been resolved, you may select to resubmit your failed payment by doing the following:
Log in to your CardUp account
Go to Dashboard and click on the Failed tab to located your failed payment
Click on the View/Edit button next to your failed payment by clicking on the 3 dots and a new popup window will appear
If your screen is zoomed in, you will have to scroll to the right to see and select the view/edit button
If required, you may update your payment speed or update your credit card details from here
- A new card cannot be added from the View/Edit window of a failed payment. You will need to add it from account settings if you wish to add a new card to pay with
- Click on APPLY to resubmit your payment to be charged successfully. Please note that by hitting Apply you are initiating an immediate charge of your card
- Your payment will now be updated to the status "Processing"
- After 2-3 minutes, refresh your browser - your payment status will be updated to ‘Charged’ to confirm your payment has been successfully charged
Please note that the payment due date will update to match the payout time of either the Next Business day or 3 Business days later based on the payment speed selected