If you would like to add a NEW card to your CardUp account, please follow the steps below:
Sign in to your CardUp account
- Go to Cards from the left navigation bar
Click on + Add Card to add your credit card OR if you are replacing an existing card, click the Edit icon next to your selected card
Enter your card details (first name, last name, card number, etc)
- Click on Add Card
After your updated card has been successfully added to your account, please go to your Dashboard to update the card details for your upcoming payment(s):
- Go to your CardUp Dashboard and select your payment under the Upcoming Payables tab
- Select the Edit button located next to your payment, then select the option Edit just this one payment
- A popup window will appear, from here you can update your credit card details
If you would like to DELETE an existing credit card from your account, please follow below:
- Go to "My Account" by clicking on your email address located on the header bar
- Select "My stored cards" from your Account Details page
- Click "Delete" to remove a previously stored card from your CardUp account